
Assistant Professor
CS Department
Yale University

Research Scientist
Allen Institute for AI (AI2)

Arman Cohan

I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at Yale University.
I am also a Research Scientist at Allen Institute for AI (AI2).

At Yale, I lead the Natural Language Processing lab. My research spans various problems at the intersection of NLP and Machine Learning, including language modeling, representation learning, retrieval, and applications in specialized domains.

🔍 Current Research Focus

The following is a list of some of the problems that we are currently working on (in no particular order). For more details please visit the lab website.

  • Understanding generalization capabilities of LLMs
  • Evaluation and science of language models
  • Language modeling for complex document-level tasks and long sequences
  • Multi-document and extreme multi-document language processing
  • Robust methods for generation and summarization
  • Scientific and scholarly document processing


Information about my lab
For more information about my lab and our research, including available opportunities, please check out the Yale NLP lab website lab website.

  • For most recent list of publications please refer to my Google Scholar page.

Recent news
